ESLF has achieved a record of success and growth that today makes it one of the leading firms in Egypt. With over 32 attorneys and consultants, the firm provides quality legal and consultancy services to a broad base of multinational, Egyptian and regional clients through its office in Egypt .
The firm provides legal advice and advanced services to many of the most dynamic, local and multinational, corporations and has the knowledge and resources to deliver high quality legal services required.

The Firm is engaged in general practice and has extensive expertise in the following fields:


International business transactions   Major contracts, investment agreements
Banking and capital markets transactions   Intellectual property rights protection
Project finance   Telecommunications and IT
Aviation   Tourism
Manufacturing   Oil and gas
Labour laws   Taxation
Maritime law   Corporate and commercial
Insurance   Real estate and property registration
Litigation   Alternative dispute resolution


ESLF has cast a web of international connections based on strong business relationship with prominent national law firms in the Arab Region and North Africa. Furthermore ESLF is continuing to nurture this cooperation to include Europe and the United States.

The Firm has grown to become one of the largest law firms in Egypt and has built a national and international reputation in providing professional legal services.